activities, are also suffering the blow. Increase in pricesof services in Quebec during inflation Most of the Quebecers surveyed whonoticed price increases realized this while shopping in a physical store (66%).16% of them noticed it later when they saw the bill. Only 1% of respondentswere informed of the price increase through newsletters from the brand orretailer. This indicates that companies are letting consumers search forinformation about price changes. Tip for Retailers and Suppliers: Communicationis an irreplaceable part of customer relationship management . In fact,three-quarters of respondents who saw price increases said they would find it"very" or "somewhat" helpful if companies communicatedprice increases to them personally (76%).
Transparency in this area can encourage customer loyalty:including information on the reasons for these changes in emails, newslettersor SMS marketing messages could prove beneficial in these difficult times. Howcan businesses help customers facing rising prices in Quebec? Retail merchantsand service providers Bulgaria Mobile Number List across all sectors may face reduced revenue as Canadianslimit or postpone certain spending . However, more than half of respondents whoare aware of rising prices believe that businesses are not doing enough to helpthem manage rising prices at present (55%). When asked what measures would bemost effective in limiting the impact of inflation on households,. Offering more discounts is considered a
good measure by 67% of respondents, while transparencyregarding price increases and the implementation of loyalty programs areoptions favored by 47% and 41% of respondents. between them, respectively. Tipfor Retailers and Suppliers: Lowering the prices of products and services maynot be a business's first instinct during times of inflation. However, it mayencourage consumers to continue purchasing despite economic uncertainty. Thefirst step in a price reduction strategy is to ensure that it is possible toreduce the price of certain products, for example using price optimizationsoftware . Once you've done your math and identified opportunities for pricereductions, you should inform customers of special offers through digitalcommunication , customer loyalty programs, or attractive in-store signage .What is “reduflation” and where is it becoming noticed by consumers? Consumersseem very aware of the price increase, but that's not the only change they'venoticed. Some have seen a reduction